About the UAE Office


Our office is informal and friendly, most of us are in one open-plan office. We work closely together with our colleagues from other departments.

We are part of an international movement. This means the work we do is shared around the world, and we bring ideas from other countries and put them to work in the UAE. The nature of certain roles gives our staff the opportunity to visit our field projects.

There are four  departments in the UAE office, you may use the links below to contact us:

The UAE office currently has around 30 full-time staff including an operations team who we host, which is managing projects in the field (Yemen, Iraq, and Jordan).

MSF Logistique, a non profit-making association (under french 1901 law), is one of the supply centres for Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). It  provides supply (from purchase until shipment) MSF missions with medication and equipment for ongoing programs and emergency actions (displaced populations, epidemics, natural disasters, war zones, ...).

MSF Logistique integrates all activities of the supply chain  and also offers services related to its activity. MSF Logistique is approved as a "pharmaceutical establishment" and "bonded warehouse".
