CRASH team members conduct and direct studies and analysis of MSF actions. They participate in internal training sessions and assessment missions in the field. They represent the association at meetings, conferences, and other research and discussion forums, particularly those connected with universities, IGOs and NGOs.
What is the triage procedure?
In exceptional circumstances where the demand for care exceeds the supply, how do you decide who to start with? Triage is necessary where there is exceptional demand,...
Covid-19 Vaccines: Unequal Access, Questioned
Interview with Isabelle Defourny, director of operations, MSF France and Jean-Hervé Bradol, director of studies, MSF/CRASH
Saving Lives and Staying Alive
For more information on the book, or to read it online, visit the website of MSF CRASH.
What Is MSF Crash?
Under the auspices of the Fondation Médecins Sans Frontières, the Centre de Réflexion sur l'Action et les Savoirs...
Are Covid19 Vaccines Really a Common Good for Humanity?