CENTRAL MEDITERRANEAN - 12 August, 2018: Responding to the ongoing humanitarian crisis in the Central Mediterranean, a total of 141 people were rescued on Friday by the search and rescue vessel Aquarius, chartered by SOS MEDITERRANEE and operated in partnership with Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). Both organisations are now calling upon European governments to assign the closest place of safety without delay in accordance with International Maritime Law so that people rescued at sea can be disembarked and Aquarius can continue providing urgently needed humanitarian assistance.

On Friday morning, 10 August, Aquarius rescued 25 people found adrift on a small wooden boat with no engine on board. It is believed they had been at sea for nearly 35 hours. Later that day, the Aquarius spotted a second overcrowded wooden boat with 116 people onboard, including 67 unaccompanied minors. More than 70% of those rescued originate from Somalia and Eritrea. While the medical condition of those rescued is stable for now, many are extremely weak and malnourished. Many report that they were held in inhumane conditions in Libya.
All Photos © Guglielmo Mangiapane